Wednesday, September 21, 2016

By-name Parameters : Example...

scala> //#215

scala> /************************************************
     |     Example 1 : An assert function without
     |                 By-name parameter
     | *************************************************/
     | val enableAssert = true
enableAssert: Boolean = true

scala> def customAssert(checkPredicate: () => Boolean) = {
     |     if (enableAssert) {
     |         if (checkPredicate() == false) {
     |             println("Throwing AssertionError..")
     |             throw new AssertionError
     |         }
     |     }
     | }
customAssert: (checkPredicate: () => Boolean)Unit


scala> //Ideally we would like to call like this.

scala> //But this do not work

scala> customAssert(1 > 5)
<console>:28: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Boolean(false)
 required: () => Boolean
       customAssert(1 > 5)


scala> //This does work

scala> customAssert(() => 1 > 5)
Throwing AssertionError..
  at customAssert(<console>:29)
  ... 48 elided


scala> /************************************************
     |     Example 2 : An assert function with
     |                 By-name parameter
     | *************************************************/
     | val enableAssert = true
enableAssert: Boolean = true

scala> //Note here the previous example had

scala> //  - checkPredicate: () => Boolean

scala> //Whereas, in the current example we have removed

scala> //Parenthesis. This method is referred as By-name

scala> //parameter

scala> //    - checkPredicate: => Boolean


scala> def customAssert(checkPredicate: => Boolean) = {
     |     if (enableAssert) {
     |         if (checkPredicate == false) {
     |             println("Throwing AssertionError...")
     |             throw new AssertionError
     |         }
     |     }
     | }
customAssert: (checkPredicate: => Boolean)Unit


scala> customAssert(1 > 5)
Throwing AssertionError...
  at customAssert(<console>:29)
  ... 48 elided